Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Shut Up.... Or We Will Arrest You For Thinking....

To hear Alex Hundert tell it, Canada, and more specifically, Toronto, is a cruel and awful place, rife with systemic rot and racism, ill intentioned, over-armed and heavy-handed police thugs, a prison apparatus that swallows the innocent whole and a judicial system where there is no justice for the oppressed.
To listen to Alex Hundert tell it, a complementary pair of earplugs would have been nice. The young anarchist and alleged G20 riot ringleader held court at his lawyer’s office on Monday afternoon after appearing in court on Monday morning. The problem was not the decibel-level. It was Mr. Hundert’s subject matter: The System.
The System, you see, sucks. The System is repressive. The System “criminalizes dissent” and it needs to be replaced by any means necessary — if necessary. Such is the way an anarchist prattles on when speaking about, well, you know what.